Many millennials are looking to build their lives in smaller spaces than the Baby Boomers, and Generation X. Tiny homes, nomad lifestyles, and other alternative ways of living have made the small space the preferred space. Before renovating a small space, there are essential strategies to be aware of.

Focus on Function
To make the most of small spaces, it’s important to consider function first. Creating a logical layout requires understanding the spacial needs of those living there and how they will use the different areas. It’s also important to consider lifestyle questions like whether they will need a working space with office supplies, or whether they like entertaining others. This can help the designer determine the best floor plan for the space that is being remodeled.

Plan for Organized Storage
Another critical aspect of designing for smaller spaces is considering storage needs. Storage can be added to unique places for small homes such as under the bed, creating closets, under the couch, or other overlooked spaces.

Keep Essentials
Every object in a small space needs to be considered carefully, but it’s also important to keep the essentials. By minimizing the things taking up space, people can maintain a greater sense of spaciousness. The home will also feel more organized without so much clutter. An easy way to determine if an object in question has a place, ask if it is beautiful or useful. The items that are worth keeping will be treasured even more!

Take Advantage of Light
The more light pours into a home, the bigger it will feel. Glass doors and large windows allow a small space to stay lit by natural light throughout the day. Mirrors are a great way to enhance natural light while also creating the illusion that the place is more spacious. However, if there isn’t much natural light available, brighten up the area by painting it white. Painting the walls white will create a sense of greater space while also lightening it up. It affects the perception that the room has more space while also making it appear more comfortable and positive.

The design of a small space will begin to evolve with the people who live there. It will start to come together naturally, revealing their tastes and preferences!