The most important asset for a real estate investor is their network. An investor’s success depends on a solid network of colleagues, mentors and business relationships. When first starting as new real estate investor, it’s difficult first building up your network. There are a few easy ways to quickly build up your strong network:

Meetups and Seminars
One of the most popular ways real estate investors build their networks is by attending seminars or meet-ups to make new contacts. At seminars, you are there to learn more and meet people in the same industry as you. There you will meet other real estate investors, supporting vendors, contractors, and other entrepreneurs.

Another effective way to make new connections is through On this website, millions of connections have been made online and through web seminars. Most users utilize the site to make new connections, build relationships and engage through shared interests and activities.

Social Media
A new and flourishing way to make connections and build a network is through social media. Social media has become a necessary tool in success. It’s no longer just a way to in contact with old friends or follows celebrities; it’s also a great way to meet other professionals in your field or area of expertise. It’s important to become familiar with social media and how to use it to find connections and build professional relationships.

When building your network through social media, it’s important to distinguish the difference between followers and actual connection. Makes sure to have separate social media for professional use and another for personal use.

Take a Trip
A fun way to make new connections for your network is to meet people in other areas while traveling or on vacation. Traveling somewhere new can give you in-person on perspective properties or research new real estate markets. It can also give you the opportunity to make the connections you wouldn’t have been able to in your region. This way you can expand your network and get inside information on other real estate markets.

Don’t leave these meetings to chance–make sure to contact a connection you’d like to make before going on the trip. It’s much more effective to research and look up other investors, realtors or contractors that are in the area you are traveling to.

Take every opportunity you can to build your network. Whether it’s through a chance meeting or attending a conference, any connection you make can lead you to your next big investment.