Getting into the commercial real estate business can be new and exciting, but it comes with its challenges. With the New York real estate market always changing and new trends surfacing, it’s important to stay current and up-to-date. When first starting, it’s easy to assume you know nothing about commercial real estate. When entering commercial real estate, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

Build Up Knowledge
The first thing you’re going to want to do when entering the commercial real estate industry is to learn as much as possible. The best way to do this is to enroll in classes. You can find classes through local real estate schools, college courses or even online courses that will teach you all you need to know to get started. Taking classes not only gives you the opportunity to learn, but also the chance to meet other people in the industry and start making connections.

Besides taking classes, another great way to learn about the industry is through reading. Look at material from books, magazines or even commercial real estate blogs. Newcomers have a lot to learn from the commercial real estate veterans in New York. It’s important to read about their work and learn from them.

Take Action
Success doesn’t happen by waiting for an opportunity to be handed to you. You won’t get anywhere in commercial real estate by sitting around. It’s important to attend local meetups and events to make connections and build up your network. By attending these events, you’ll be meeting other people in the industry who can help take off your career.

Gaining hands-on experience through internships is another great way to take action. Look into interning for a local brokerage firm to learn from the top brokers and agents in the industry. Don’t let your age discourage if you’re worried you may be too old to be an intern. Agencies are always looking for an extra hand, no matter what your age may be. It’s great to gain experience and learn from the best.

Utilize Social Media
Social media has become a norm in our everyday lives and can be used as an incredible tool in commercial real estate. Use social media to follow people or your favorite companies, and look to their content for inspiration. You can learn from individuals’ experiences and easily stay up-to-date on their latest news.

It’s also important to use social media to reach out to potential clients and other connections. Once you have found your niche, the interest you decide to specialize in, use social media to get that niche across. Post updates or blogs to show your knowledge in topics like retail, office space, industrial or anything that relates to what you specialize in. This can lead to finding new clients of potential connections to help you find success.

Stay Patient and Persistent
If it doesn’t happen right away, it’s important not to be discouraged. Finding success in commercial real estate comes with a lot of trial and error. It can take years before you see the fruits of your labor which is why it’s so important to stay patient. It’s easy to want to give up when finding a new client or project doesn’t happen as soon as expected, but don’t let that slow you down and make sure to stay persistent.

Even years in your commercial real estate career, never stop attending events or local meetups. Every event you attend can lead to a success story. Experts in real estate should still take a class now and then to brush up on their skills or read about other experts in the industry to stay current on the trends. A career in commercial real estate, especially in New York, takes time and dedication.